Indigenous Hockey News: A Youth Success Story
I love success stories, especially when they involve youth. While attending a dinner in Ottawa with the youth from the Nishnawbe Aski Nation last June — this was the night before they met with Prime Minister Trudeau, I sat with this young man, Stephane Friday, and listened as he shared his dream to become a hockey analyst. Stephane lives in the remote community of Kashechewan. He could have looked at the challenges and not done anything with his entrepreneurial dream. But instead, he launched the very successful Indigenous Hockey News. Watch this short video, and go like his FB page "Indigenous Hockey News".
We recently had the pleasure of connecting Stephane to Cody McCormick, for his first interview with a professional hockey player. And we know that for Stephane, this is the first of many such interviews! As he says so well: "You choose your reality every day!"