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Canada's Hidden Third World

Today the CBC published the images below in a shocking article about the Sayisi Dene community:

The community was forced to relocate in the 50's without any assistance from our government. This week, our government apologized and is giving the Sayisi Dene over $33 M.

"Oh, ok, then I can forget about it." That's what many Canadians will think, as they read the news and move on to the next story. Money appeases the conscience, somehow.

But money doesn't repair the damage. It doesn't make up for the devastation in the hearts and minds of those who suffered the unimaginable. It doesn't make up for the children who received no education and lacked the necessities of life. It doesn't make up for the cycles that repeat themselves today because of old wounds.

None of our early ancestors would have survived here, had it not been for the friendship, help and wisdom of Indigenous peoples. We have been neglectful and ungrateful neighbours. Today, there are still hundreds of poverty-stricken communities, in need of a tangible show of friendship.

The First Peoples of Canada need to know that we stand with them, as fellow citizens, as neighbours and as friends. Will you stand with us?

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