Our work supports the advancement of the
UN Sustainable Goals 3, 4, 10 and 17

2023 was another incredible year of growth, as we opened six new sewing skills labs, toured Bones of Crows film in 40 communities and cities, delivered art supplies and land-based learning programs through Art for Aid to 19 communities, and expanded our ILFP team. Sadly, we also bid farewell to our cofounder, Iain Speirs, who left this world all too soon.
2023 also marked our 10-year anniversary. To mark this important milestone, we started the process of transitioning to a name and brand for our organization. Read all about it in our 2023 Impact Report by clicking the image below.
National Tour Impact Videos

A word from Bob Joseph, founder and President of Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., on our former shoebox campaign (now Friendship Art). He is the author and co-author of books and resources relating to working with Indigenous Peoples, including: 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act, Indigenous Relations: Insights, Tips, and Suggestions to Make Reconciliation a Reality. Joseph offers training through Indigenous Relations Academy.
Pack a

Notes and drawings are such powerful connectors inside a shoebox

In 2017 we brought smiles and gifts to the 500+ students of Ahtahkakoop, SK

In December 2016, we began our work in the community of Attawapiskat, delivering 500+ shoebox gifts to the elementary and high school students

In Attawapiskat, Gemini award-winning actress Michelle Thrush brought love and laughter through Magika, the healing clown

An unforgettable water party at the end of the school year at Kitiganik Elementary in Rapid Lake

Our school celebration events bring parents and children out to play

Hard work pays off, with a year-end celebration, awards and prizes!

We partner with communities for long term success, and lasting friendships

A back to school party in Rapid Lake with carnaval flair

Celebrating education with Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation School